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What is MSRP (recommended retail price)?

MSRP, or Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price, is a retail price recommendation provided by the manufacturer of a product. This price is generally used as a reference point for retailers when setting the product's final selling price. Retailers often use MSRP as a starting point for setting their own selling prices. They may choose to sell the product at MSRP, below MSRP (to offer a discount), or above MSRP (in situations of high demand).

Why is MSRP important?

MSRP helps retailers to set prices consistently, and enables better margin management. Some retailers actively use MSRP for popular products.

Indicating the MSRP for each product is necessary to enable POS (Point of Sale) integrations.

How to add MSRP?

In the “Pricing” section of your account, select the edit button for your product. Once you've defined a selling price, tick “Suggest retail price” to enter the appropriate suggested retail price, and check the margin and tax-inclusive price for the different regions covered.

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