How do I create sales rules on PivoHub?
On PivoHub, not all retailers have access to the same price. That's because we put the development of quality relationships between retailers and suppliers at the heart of our work. Every deal is unique, and it's important to keep agreements customized from one customer to the next according to your own rules.
On the supplier side, you can assign a price or discount to a pre-defined customer group or to a specific customer. In fact, all relationships are unique, giving suppliers the power to define their own prices.
Price visibility on the PivoHub marketplace
Insofar as each of the retailers had previously requested a relationship with its suppliers, a discussion could take place to set up a general agreement on the supply of products.
From a retailer's point of view, the prices visible in the marketplace will only be the price set by the supplier according to the agreement they share. In this way, your relationship is unique to each customer or group of customers.
To do this, first create customer groups in the “Groups” tab.
Choose an audience (by default, the audience is set to “All”) and the companies you wish to reach with your sales rule.
You can select multiple groups and companies.
Only the retail companies included in your selection will see the prices you have defined.